Looking after your mental health in 2021


In Dr Andy’s latest blog, he talks about how lung health and mental health go hand in hand, and why it’s important to pay attention to them both.

So, tell me, how are you? How are you really?

Since the start of the pandemic - when we’ve all faced lockdowns, self-isolation and not being able to see our loved ones – a lot of us have become more aware of our mental health. Because of the constant negative news, the worry about the safety of people important to us and missing so many bits of our usual lives, it’s not surprising that we are noticing more depression and anxiety.

In my surgery, and on the Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation helplines, we speak to many people whose lung condition is causing a problem for their mental health. This could be because of how their lung condition, and the treatments for it, makes them feel, and how it impacts their lives and those of people around them. Or it could be that low mood and anxiety is having an impact on their physical health.

Either way, lung health and mental health go hand in hand and it’s important to pay attention to them both.

Taking the first step

A good first step is to read up a bit on how your mental health may be impacting on your physical health.

The Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation Partnership page on getting emotional support has some great hints and tips on what you can do to get your mental health back on track.

Keep a diary of your symptoms alongside how you feel – you might be able to see a link between your mood and when your asthma symptoms get worse. It could help you recognise that you need to do your best to address any stress or anxiety, which may be triggering your symptoms. Or it could show you that you need to keep a closer eye on your symptoms or follow your asthma action plan.

It’s useful to learn what your triggers are. For example, if anxiety makes your asthma worse and you know that a particular situation makes you feel anxious, you can either try and avoid that situation, or at least be more prepared for when it does happen.

What can I do help myself?

Many people notice depression or anxiety symptoms when they are dealing with something out of their control. We can’t control everything that happens to us. But what we can do is pay attention to those areas of our life where we do have some control. And this can support our mental health.

You might find it helpful to start working on some areas of your life where you can start to take control:

  • Keep to a routine and make sure that you get enough sleep.

  • Eat and drink healthily. Alcohol and foods that are high in sugars and fats are commonly turned to when people get stressed, but they aren’t much good for managing your asthma or your mood.[1] If you gain weight, it can be more difficult to manage your asthma, while losing any excess weight can help to improve your symptoms.[2]

  • Quit smoking – people often turn to cigarettes as a way to relax when they’re stressed, but this isn’t a good idea. Smoking is bad for your lung health and quitting will make you feel better.

  • Build time into your routine to switch off. We all have different ways of doing this, but we need to dedicate some protected time to relax, meditate, do mindfulness exercises, listen to music, or watch a favourite TV show.

  • Stop multitasking, as it’s much harder for our brains to relax when we’re doing many things at once. Resist any distractions for at least some of each day, such as your mobile phone and social media.

  • Exercise is a great way to start improving your mental health. Any exercise can help, though I find getting out in the fresh air (and change of scenery) more useful.

    Connecting with others is important. We are naturally social people (some more than others) so speaking to others benefits our mental health. Talking about how you feel can help get you through a tough time, but even chatting about something totally different can make you feel better. You might find it helpful to post on the Asthma UK HealthUnlocked forum, where you can talk to other people with asthma and share your experiences.

There are loads of ways you can get emotional support, which you can read about on our health advice pages. The NHS website Every Mind Matters and Let’s Talk Loneliness also have excellent resources, which you might find useful.

Don’t forget your GP too. We’re used to helping people with a wide range of problems and it’s easier to help people sooner, rather than later.

How good mental health can benefit your asthma

It’s easier to manage any long-term condition if your mental health is in good shape – but it’s a cycle. If your asthma is not well-controlled, or if you’re having a lot of flare ups, this could lead to anxiety or depression, which could then make your asthma feel worse or harder to control.  

It might feel like it’s difficult to break this cycle, but one way you can do this is to manage your asthma well. However bad you feel, make sure you continue taking your preventer inhaler every day, as prescribed, and follow your asthma action plan.

It’s important to look after your mental health and physical health equally – the two can be very closely linked!

[1] https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/nutritional-psychiatry-your-brain-on-food-201511168626

[2] https://www.asthma.org.uk/advice/living-with-asthma/weight-loss/

Imagine a world with no asthma helpline, no research and where asthma has no voice.

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COVID-19 has devastated our ability to raise vital funds, so if you've benefited from our free health advice, think asthma needs a voice or believe in asthma research, we need your support now more than ever.

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Dr Andy Whittamore

Andy is an in-house GP at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation. He’s a practicing GP in Portsmouth with over 15 years experience, and a wealth of knowledge about respiratory care.


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