Your stories Beki, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Your stories Beki, Asthma + Lung UK supporter

When I’m hospitalised, staff assume it’s because of anxiety

Beki is a PhD student from the West Midlands. She has several health conditions including severe asthma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). EDS is a rare inherited condition that affects connective tissue. Last May, Beki set herself a fundraising challenge to complete 180,000 steps to raise money to mark World Asthma Day and EDS Awareness Month.

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Your stories Bethany, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Your stories Bethany, Asthma + Lung UK supporter

The nurse on the helpline reassured me at a critical time in my life

Bethany is one of our volunteer ambassadors. She was motivated to join us after she found out she had congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) found the help and advice she got from our health advice and specialist nurses really helpful. Last year, after her health deteriorated, she found herself turning again to our nurses for support. Here she tells us all about it.

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Your stories Lotus, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Your stories Lotus, Asthma + Lung UK supporter

It feels like I’m drowning all the time: Lotus’s story

Lotus always had mild asthma until six years ago. Then her symptoms started getting progressively worse, until by 2023 she was so breathless that she couldn’t work full time anymore. She was diagnosed with a rare disease called Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis and now uses oxygen to help her breathe.

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Your stories Matt, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Your stories Matt, Asthma + Lung UK supporter

I know that I’m incredibly lucky to still be alive

When Matt returned back from a trip from Berlin in early 2008, he became really unwell. Initially he was diagnosed with tonsillitis, then flu which escalated into an induced coma. Here he tells us about his experience and how it’s led him to take action to protect others.

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Your stories Richard, Asthma + Lung UK supporter Your stories Richard, Asthma + Lung UK supporter

I still struggle sometimes but my body has learned to make up for the loss of a lung

Richard from Lancashire ran the London Marathon 2024 for Asthma + Lung UK and he’ll be running it again this year. He had to build his endurance up gradually because he only has one lung, meaning he has less oxygen capacity than other runners, which can affect his ability to exercise. Read more about how he keeps active with his condition.

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Your stories Grace, Research + Innovation team, Asthma + Lung UK Your stories Grace, Research + Innovation team, Asthma + Lung UK

Fundraising for Asthma + Lung UK gave me a surprising realisation

Earlier this year. Grace , who is part of our Research + Innovation team, challenged herself to walk 100 miles in March to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK. After signing up, she had the surprising realisation that she was one of the one in five people in the UK who will be diagnosed with a lung condition in their lifetime. Here she tells us about her staggering diagnosis of tuberculosis and her fundraising journey.

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