Lung conditions undiagnosed in thousands: our plea to the new government

Our research reveals that many people with lung conditions are being diagnosed too late, misdiagnosed, or are not getting the right treatment, leading them to become seriously ill and in need of hospital care. We’re issuing a plea to our new government to tackle this urgently.

We know early diagnosis is crucial for treating and managing lung conditions like COPD. Yet many people are living undiagnosed even despite seeking medical help for telltale symptoms such as coughs and chest infections.

Our survey of 12,000 people living with a lung condition showed that over half of  respondents were treated for their immediate chest symptoms, but didn’t have the underlying cause investigated at the time. The survey also found one in five of all respondents had to wait over a year for an accurate diagnosis of a chronic lung condition.

Lives being cut short

Without the right treatment, the quality of life and life expectancy of people with lung conditions can be severely impacted. It can mean people are at greater risk of life-threatening asthma attacks, or need to seek emergency treatment more often. It can cause lung conditions to progress faster and shorten people’s life expectancy.

Lung conditions are the third biggest killer in the UK, with the worst death rates from lung conditions in Europe. Despite this, there are no national targets to limit the amount of time someone should wait for diagnosis. And access to diagnostic testing such as FeNo and spirometry are not available in all GP surgeries.

Lives being put on hold

Diana Muirhead, 60, from Norfolk knows just how worrying it can be having to wait for a diagnosis. The mother-of-four has been on the waiting list for a test to find out if she has COPD so she can begin treatment.

“My life is literally on hold until then”, Diana said. “I can't work at the moment because I feel so breathless and fatigued all the time but despite an X-ray showing that I probably do have COPD back in January, I can’t get treatment as it needs to be confirmed with a spirometry test. “

“In the meantime, I struggle to carry out daily activities like cleaning and shopping and feel constantly exhausted because I can’t breathe properly. I am worried because the earlier COPD is treated, the better because treatment slows down its progression. I feel like I’m in limbo not knowing when I will get my diagnosis and it’s awful.’

A plea to the new government

We know that tackling diagnosis could help people stay well and save lives. We’re calling on our new Government to provide long term funding for GP practices to deliver testing for lung conditions. We also want national diagnosis targets for lung conditions to ensure nobody waits more than six weeks for a diagnostic test, and for waiting lists to be halved by 2028. These measures are crucial to making sure more lives are not unnecessarily lost to treatable lung conditions.

What changes do you think the new government should make to support people with lung conditions? Help us amplify your voice in parliament by filling out this quick survey.


We empower people with lung conditions to make changes that can be transformative.

Please donate now to help make sure people with lung conditions can live well this year.

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Sarah MacFadyen, Head of Policy and External Affairs

Sarah is Head of Policy and External Affairs at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation. She leads all our policy, campaigning and influencing work.


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