Remote appointments and getting back to a new normal for routine care
In Dr Andy, our in-house GP’s latest blog, he talks about the measures his GP surgery has in place to protect staff and patients, and what the ‘new normal’ of routine care could look like.
How Take Steps helped me in lockdown
After struggling at the start of lockdown, our Take Steps challenge gave Chloe a goal to aim for and inspired her to keep active. The challenge for Chloe was to get herself walking every day for a month, which helped her look after her lungs and raise money for a great cause. Now she thinks we should all get involved!
How Take Steps made a huge difference for me
Janet has asthma and she took part in Take Steps last year for our sister charity The British Lung Foundation. She tells us why she loved being involved in the sponsored walking challenge.
Putting an end to child asthma deaths
Whilst child asthma deaths are rare, in recent years there have been a small number of tragic cases of children who have died because they failed to get the basic care they needed. Adam from our policy team explains why this is happening and looks at findings from a recent Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch report into the care of children with asthma.
Why I became a BLF nurse
Leanne started working for the Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation helpline in December 2020. Here, she answers questions about her experience working as a nurse on our helpline and supporting people with a lung condition during the pandemic.
Why I became an Asthma UK nurse
Leanne Hale started working for the Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation Helpline in December 2020. Here, she answers questions about her experience working as a nurse on our Helpline and supporting people with asthma during the pandemic.
This queen’s speech must be used to set out life-saving clean air laws
Today, Tuesday 11 May, the UK Government will outline their priorities for the next parliament in the Queen’s speech. Our clean air policy officer Zak tells us why this is a golden opportunity for the prime minister to set out new life-saving clean air laws and prevent future deaths from toxic air.
Insight into children with preschool wheeze
Danielle Roe, our Patient and Public Involvement Manager shares the importance of patient insight in the work we do and key findings from the recent survey for parents of children with preschool wheeze.
You can help shape research into pulmonary fibrosis
Ian Jarrold, Deputy Head of Research and Innovation at BLF shares how you can help shape research into pulmonary fibrosis.
Scotland has a plan to improve asthma care
The Scottish Government has recently published its long-awaited Respiratory Care Action Plan. Joseph Carter, our Head of Devolved Nations tells us about it.
It’s time to ban smoking in cars with children in Northern Ireland
Whilst it’s illegal to smoke in cars with children in most of the UK, Northern Ireland remains the only nation, where it is still legal to do so. Joseph Carter, our Head of Devolved Nations, explains the problem and why smoking around children is so dangerous.
Get the most from your phone or video appointments
Leanne Hale, Asthma UK Respiratory Nurse, shares some top tips to help you prepare for your phone or video appointment, as well as what to expect during the appointment itself.
Healthy air, healthy Wales vision
Joseph Carter, our Head of Devolved Nations, explains the challenges of air pollution in Wales and considers whether the next government will deliver the healthy air, healthy Wales vision that’s been promised.
Better ways to diagnose asthma
Dr Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy from the University of Southampton tells us about the research project he’s leading into better ways to diagnose asthma.
Honouring our grandad
Neeshma and her family set up a Breath of Life tribute page in memory of her grandad. And for her wedding day, Neeshma knew she wanted to do something special to honour him.
Keeping Amy’s memory alive
Rachael’s beloved daughter Amy passed away in 2017 following an asthma attack. She shares her story of keeping Amy’s memory alive.
Managing asthma with post-lockdown pollution
Dr Andy, our in-house GP, explains why air pollution may trigger asthma symptoms and what you can do to help reduce the risk of this happening.
Improving access to life-changing treatments
Jo is a patient representative on the Asthma UK and NHS England AAC programme to help improve access to life-changing biologics treatments. She explains why this programme is so important.
How to make the perfect Easter cupcake
Ellen shares how you can impress your loved ones this Easter weekend with a fresh batch of beautiful cupcakes.
Toxic air is stealing our children’s futures in the West Midlands
Jonathan, a parent of three from South Birmingham tells us why clean air is so important for his family and how you can help.